[150] Demon Oak Quest (T3)
Requirements: Reset 150+, 50 Iron Ores, 5 Haunted Wood
Last updated
Requirements: Reset 150+, 50 Iron Ores, 5 Haunted Wood
Last updated
Firstly get the teleport to the quest area and follow the blue line to find the Demon Oak, an old and demoniac tree:
Once you see the Demon Oak (1) for the first time you should report this to the priest Oldrak, follow the blue line path (2).
Continue following this path:
The Oldrak will ask you to produce a enchanted axe, this item will allow you to defeat the Demon Oak, to produce this item you should mine 50x iron ores, you can learn how to mine here. Also you will need some haunted wood (5x), you can collect them hunting the reset 1 monsters.
When you collect all the material necessary to produce a common axe you must find Brook, a powerful blacksmith who lives in quinswood, so take a boat or use an online token to find her, she is right above the main city depot, you can see more details here.
Once you have the axe you should get back to the NPC Oldrak and ask him to enchant you axe, he will give you a golden and blessed axe, an item that you will use to hit the Demon oak in the next step.
Finally you can go the the Demon Oak room, where you have started this Quest, only one player per time can get into this room, however you can invite some friends to stay outside, helping you to fight with the monsters that will appear.
You should hit the Demon Oak using the enchanted axe, basically do a right-click on the axe and use it on the four spots that you can see on the image above, their arms, face and at the bird on north. Each hit will summon some monsters that you should defeat before hit the Demon Oak again. Caution!!! The last hit will summon a powerful boss, who can heal himself really fast, so try to find someone to help you before face him.
Once you defeat all waves and the boss you should hit the tree for the last time, you will be teleported to outside, know you should report the Oldrak that you have had killed the Demon Oak. He will thank you and ask you to find a grave, which will be the access to the prize room. Follow the path below to find the reward room: